Minimum hardware requirements
- Intel Core i3 (i7 recommended)
- 4GB RAM (16GB recommended)
- Intel HD Graphics (dedicated NVidia GeForce or AMD Radeon GPU recommended)
- 1.1Gb free disk space
- Windows 8/8.1/10
- Mouse with third button mousewheel
Hardware Choice Rules
- Faster CPU speed per core means faster Discrete Event Simulation runtime (Planar and Linear Physics Modes)
- Faster overall CPU speed (total power of all cores) means more realtime Volumetric Physics
- Larger RAM means larger models
- Faster Video Card means more realtime visual effects and faster video production
- Larger Video RAM means more detailed 3D models
- For Virtual Reality, check video card manufacturers and VirtualReality hardware manufacturers websites for the most up to date information
- For NVidia GPU's, check here:
- For AMD GPU's, check here:
- For HTC Vive recommendations:
- For Oculus Rift recommendations:
GPU Performance Attributes
(Consider this information when selecting a GPU for your PC)
Max Memory Size (GRAM)
- When GRAM is exceeded, the GPU borrows memory form the system RAM. GRAM can be significantly faster than System RAM, meaning having to draw from the System RAM results in slowed operation.
Large models need large memory.
Bus Interface
- The memory bus bandwidth is important for processing large volumes of GPU Memory. When the volume of processing that needs to be done per cycle is larger than the bandwidth, the workload needs to be refactored into more cycles, effectively impacting the speed of the graphics processing.
Large models need large bus bandwidth
Core Clock Speed
- The speed of the GPU processor. Given the above attributes are sufficient, this is the general measure of GPU speed performance.
In general, faster speed = better performance
Memory Clock Speed
- How fast the GPU memory can be accessed for processing.
- In general, faster speed = better performance, increasingly so for larger models
Software requirements
- Windows Hardware Acceleration must be set to Maximum (Display Properties>Settings>Advanced>Troubleshoot)
- Check for the latest graphics card drivers (Start>Help&Support>Windows Update>Custom>Hardware)
Microsoft .NET Framework™
- Please insure that the appropriate .NET Framework is installed. You can see which one you need here